tk3-paparazzi 1.3 released
- Implement servo control with PWM / DSHOT and Bidirectional DSHOT, settable via servo-mode and servo-freq settings.
- Add PID velocity control when using Bi-DSHOT.
- Add a setting for disabling MKBL (i2c) communication, via mkbl-motors=0 setting.
- Add 16 buttons to the gamepad HID, representing each axis high or low state.
- Fix gamepad HID descriptor to actually present 8 axes.
- Add a radio control software kill switch, settable via rc-kill-chan and rc-kill-mode settings.
- Stop MKBL motors after disconnection (#389).
- Report IMU temperature along with the sensor readings
- Forward ESC clock-rate adjustments messages to host, for e.g. rotorcraft log files.
- Switch chimera to a STM32F765 (was 67). Due to the chip shortage, some batches were made with a STM32F765. As far as we are concerned, it only differs from the 67 in amount of flash, and we are small enough to not be affected.