Bug #438
closedGyro stream data
I have noticed that in the messages of the gyro stream enabled by
::realsense::stream_motion {type ::realsense::STREAM_GYRO index -1}
::realsense::publish {slot gyro bank gyro index 0}
only the avel is filled in, while I was expecting to read both att and avel.
Could you please help me with this?
Thank you,
Updated by Anthony Mallet 3 months ago
Weel, the gyro is only an angular velocity sensor, it does not provide any
attitude data.
Updated by Anthony Mallet 3 months ago
::realsense::stream_motion {type ::realsense::STREAM_GYRO index -1}
::realsense::publish {slot gyro bank gyro index 0}
Also, regarding this code, the 'publish' service is only for the image
processing pipeline.
For the IMU, stream_motion is enough to stream to the gyro port, there
is no such thing as the image pipeline. You can safely drop the
'publish' call :)
Updated by Barbara Bazzana 3 months ago
Ok, indeed the orientation is not even used by the estimate.
OK, dropped the publish call.
Thank you, I am closing the issue.