


Bug #415 » robotpkg.conf

Gianluca Corsini, 2024-06-19 19:10

# This is the robotpkg configuration file.
# Uncomment those entries which apply to your personal needs and system
# requirements.

# Initial content provided by robotpkg/bootstrap
# mer. 19 juin 2024 11:00:08 CEST

# --- Package configuration ------------------------------------------------

# This variable can be used to override default options for every package.
# Options listed in this variable will be enabled in every package that
# supports them. If you prefix an option with '-', it will be disabled in
# every package.
# Possible: any option
# Default: (undefined)

# PKG_OPTIONS.<pkgbase>= debug
# This variable can be used to override default options and options listed in
# PKG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS for the package <pkgbase>. Options listed in this
# variable will be enabled, options prefixed with '-' will be disabled. See
# 'make show-options' in the package you are interested in for more
# information.
# Possible: any option
# Default: (undefined)

# PREFER.<pkgbase>= robotpkg
# This variable selects <pkgbase> to be installed by robotpkg or used as an
# external (system) dependency. Note that manually installed packages
# (i.e. installed from source, outside robotpkg) also fall into the 'system'
# package category, and must be configured as such.
# Possible: robotpkg, system
# Default: (undefined)

# REPOSITORY.<pkgbase>= <format> <url> [<element>]
# This variable defines a local repository for the 'checkout' target of
# <pkgbase>. <format> must be one of cvs, git, svn or dir. The exact
# meaning of <url> depends on the selected format. For cvs, git and svn this is
# the repository url in a format that the tool understands. For dir, this is
# an absolute path on the local filesystem. element is an optional list of
# paths that must be cloned (defaults to all).
# Possible: any valid string
# Default: ${MASTER_REPOSITORY} of the package

# ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= cnrs-hpp-closed-source
# ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= cnrs-stackoftasks-license
# ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= kineocam-license
# ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= kuka-license
# ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= mesa-imaging-license
# ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= motion-analysis-license
# ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= ohsu-license
# ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= oracle-java-license
# ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= primesense-license
# ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= sahand-license
# ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= sun-java3d-license
# ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= uni-bonn-research-license
# Whitespace-delimited list of the types of license which are
# acceptable for installation. Packages for which you need
# to accept a license will display a message like the following:
# ===> xv-3.10anb9 has an unacceptable license: xv-license.
# ===> To view the license, enter /usr/bin/make show-license.
# ===> To indicate acceptance, add this line to your /etc/mk.conf:
# ===> ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+=xv-license
# To include the default licences, use the += operator in robotpkg.conf. To
# override the default, use plain = operator.

# --- Package sets ---------------------------------------------------------

# PKGSET.<name> = <category1>/<package1> <category2>/<package2> ...
# Define a collection named <name> that contains a list of packages in the form
# category/package. For each collection <name> defined, the following targets
# are available: clean-<name>, fetch-<name>, extract-<name>, install-<name>,
# replace-<name>, update-<name> and deinstall-<name>. They perform the same
# action as their respective counterpart without -<name> suffix, expect that
# they work on all packages of the set. In addition, for the replace, update
# and deinstall targets, they sort the packages in the order of their
# dependencies so that the job is done a sensible order.

# PKGSET_DESCR.<name> = description
# Define a short, optional description of a collection

# When working on a set, and this variable is set to yes, robotpkg will
# continue with further packages instead of stopping on an error. If set to
# 'no', stop on first error.
# Possible: yes, no
# Default: no

# Specify if package sets should be considered as 'strict' or include
# dependencies of packages defined in the set. If set to 'yes', only package
# strictly defined in sets are considered. If set to 'no', dependencies of
# packages listed in sets are added to their respective sets.
# Possible: yes, no
# Default: no

# Specify if each entry in package sets should expand to at least one
# package. If set to 'yes', empty expansions are permitted, thus allowing
# empty sets. If set to 'no', each pattern listed in sets must expand to at
# least one package (useful to prevent typo).
# Default: no

# --- Directories ----------------------------------------------------------

LOCALBASE = /home/gcorsini/tk3/openrobots
# Where packages will be installed
# Possible: any path
# Default: ${ROBOTPKG_BASE} if defined, or /opt/openrobots

# SYSTEM_PREFIX?= /usr /usr/local /opt
# The system directories where to search for external (aka system) packages.
# This variable should not contain any directory located inside ${LOCALBASE},
# since system or manually installed package must reside outside the robotpkg
# hierarchy.
# Possible: any path
# Default: ${PATH} with /{s,}bin stripped plus /usr and /usr/local

# DISTDIR = ${ROBOTPKG_DIR}/distfiles
# Directory where original distribution files are stored.
# Possible: any path you like
# Default: ${ROBOTPKG_DIR}/distfiles

# Store generated packages on a per-architecture base
# Possible: any path you like
# Default: ${ROBOTPKG_DIR}/packages/bsd/${MACHINE_PLATFORM}

# DEB_PACKAGES =${ROBOTPKG_DIR}/packages/debian
# Store generated Debian packages on a per-architecture base
# Possible: any path you like
# Default: ${ROBOTPKG_DIR}/packages/debian

# DIST_PATH = /cdrom/0/distfiles:${HOME}/distfiles
# Colon-delimited list of directories in which to search for ${DISTFILES} and
# ${PATCHFILES}. If the requested file is not in any of the directories in
# ${DIST_PATH}, it will be downloaded into ${DISTDIR}. If the requested
# file is in one of the directories in ${DIST_PATH}, a symbolic link will be
# made to it from ${DISTDIR}. ${DIST_PATH} directories will will be
# searched before ${DISTDIR}, letting a CD hold the main distfiles archive,
# and local ${DISTDIR} hold any updated distfiles, for example.
# Possible: any directories
# Default: none

# WRKOBJDIR = /tmp
# Build here instead of in robotpkg
# Possible: any path
# Default: not defined

# use hostname-specific object directories, e.g. work.amnesiac, work.localhost
# OBJHOSTNAME takes precedence over OBJMACHINE (see below).
# Possible: yes, no
# Default: yes

# use machine-specific object directories, e.g. work.Linux-i386
# Possible: yes, no
# Default: yes

# --- System settings ------------------------------------------------------

# When defined, specifies the maximum number of jobs (make -j)
# that are run in parallel when building packages with the default
# do-build action. MAKE_JOBS only affects the build target,
# neither test nor install.
# Possible values: any positive integer. Useful values are around
# the number of processors on the machine.
# Default value: (undefined)
# Warning: This is experimental. Some packages will not build with
# this. Disabling this for an individual package can be done by
# setting MAKE_JOBS_SAFE=NO within the per package Makefile.

# Specifies the binary package format generated by the 'package' target.
# Possible values: a list containing the keywords 'bsd' (the default) or 'deb'
# (Debian).
# Default value: bsd

PKG_SYSCONFBASE = /home/gcorsini/tk3/openrobots/etc
# This is the main config directory under which all package configuration
# files should be found.
# Possible: any path you like
# Default: ${LOCALBASE}/etc

PKG_DBDIR = /home/gcorsini/tk3/openrobots/var/db/robotpkg
# Pathname of the package database directory.
# Possible: any path
# Default: ${LOCALBASE}/var/db/robotpkg

# --- Just in time 'sudo' --------------------------------------------------

# Whether to run install target as SU_USER with SU_CMD.
# Possible: yes/no
# Default: no

# SU_CMD= sudo -u ${SU_USER} ${SH} -c
# Command to perform before make install, if the user does not have an
# effective uid of SU_USER. A possible substitute is su - ${SU_USER}.
# Possible: su, sudo, or priv, with appropriate arguments
# Default: sudo -u ${SU_USER} ${SH} -c

# SU_USER= root
# User that the SU_CMD will su to if the user does not have the effective uid
# of this user.
# Possible: any user name or uid.
# Default: root

# Command to be run by normal user, just before becoming root (see SU_CMD) to
# install the package. For example, chmod -R o+w ${WRKDIR} would allow
# others to write and modify files below ${WRKDIR}.
# Possible: any shell commands
# Default: none

# --- Telekyb3 -------------------------------------------------------------

hardware/dynamixel-genom3 \
hardware/joystick-genom3 \
hardware/tk3-paparazzi \
localization/pom-genom3 \
localization/optitrack-genom3 \
motion/nhfc-genom3 \
motion/phynt-genom3 \
motion/uavatt-genom3 \
motion/uavpos-genom3 \
path/maneuver-genom3 \
robots/rotorcraft-genom3 \
robots/tk3-mikrokopter \
sysutils/arduio-genom3 \
sysutils/tk3-flash \

architecture/genom3 \
architecture/genom3-pocolibs \
architecture/genom3-ros \
meta-pkgs/ros-base \
net/genomix \
shell/eltclsh \
supervision/py-python-genomix \

# --- options

PKG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS+= pocolibs-server pocolibs-client-c doc

PKG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS+= ros-server ros-client-c