



robotpkg is a compilation framework and packaging system for installing robotics software developed by the robotic community. It also contains packages for some general, third-party open-source software that the robotics software depends on and that is not commonly packaged by major unix distributions.

Each package in robotpkg has its own version control system and build system and robotpkg acts merely as an automated wrapper to build and install software and its dependencies. The packaged software does not depend in any way on robotpkg, so that manual installation (without robotpkg) is always possible. robotpkg itself is lightweight, in the sense that only the packages you are interested in will be downloaded and installed.

robotpkg is based on the NetBSD Package System, also known as pkgsrc and is released under an open-source, BSD license (note that each individual package has its own license, which is usually open-source, but not necessarily).

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