

Ayham Alharbat

  • Login: alharbata
  • Email:
  • Organization: Saxion University of Applied Sciences
  • Expiry Date: 2026-12-31
  • LAAS Referral:
  • Registered on: 2022-12-01
  • Last sign in: 2024-12-04


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 3 4


Project Roles Registered on
Aerial Robotics Testbed Developer 2023-06-07
ART CAD models Developer 2023-06-09
telekyb3 Developer 2023-06-09
maneuver-genom3 Developer 2023-06-09
mikrokopter-genom3 Developer 2023-06-09
mrsim-genom3 Developer 2023-06-09
nhfc-genom3 Developer 2023-06-09
phynt-genom3 Developer 2023-06-09
rotorcraft-genom3 Developer 2023-06-09
tk3-flash Developer 2023-06-09
tk3-matlab Developer 2023-06-09
tk3-mikrokopter Developer 2023-06-09
tk3-paparazzi Developer 2023-06-09
uavatt-genom3 Developer 2023-06-09
uavpos-genom3 Developer 2023-06-09



15:21 ftsens-genom3 Bug #402: reinitializing ftsens module
Sometimes I also get the following in the terminal:... Ayham Alharbat


12:18 ftsens-genom3 Bug #402 (Closed): reinitializing ftsens module
Hi Anthony,
The problem that is that when I first initialize the module it works fine, if I reinitialize it, it wi...
Ayham Alharbat


15:27 ftsens-genom3 Bug #401 (New): adding a simulated ft-sens in Gazebo
Hi Anthony,
The problem that I have is that I need to simulate a F/T sensor. Currently I added a sensor plugin to ...
Ayham Alharbat
15:17 ftsens-genom3 Bug #400 (Closed): ftsens-genom3 on robotpkg
Hi Anthony,
This issue is to track the process of robotpkg-ing ftsens-genom3.
Ayham Alharbat


16:27 rotorcraft-genom3 Bug #375: [question] how to downgrade this package
Anthony Mallet wrote in #note-13:
> If it prints just that, it might be that you are connected to the
> auxiliary t...
Ayham Alharbat


19:28 rotorcraft-genom3 Bug #375: [question] how to downgrade this package
Anthony Mallet wrote in #note-11:
> And what are the messages printed by rotorcraft after you connect?...
Ayham Alharbat
15:30 rotorcraft-genom3 Bug #375: [question] how to downgrade this package
Anthony Mallet wrote in #note-9:
> What are you asking for, regarding sensor rates? What is the output from rotorcra...
Ayham Alharbat


19:45 rotorcraft-genom3 Bug #375: [question] how to downgrade this package
Also, rotorcraft.start() gets stuck in MATLAB and does not return. Ayham Alharbat
19:44 rotorcraft-genom3 Bug #375: [question] how to downgrade this package
It worked!
For reference, this is what I did, after connecting the board to PC with USB:...
Ayham Alharbat
18:53 rotorcraft-genom3 Bug #375: [question] how to downgrade this package
Thanks Anthony! I will try to update the firmware then.
But is there a way to know/retrieve the ID of the board?
Ayham Alharbat

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