- Aerial Robotics Testbed
The Aerial Robotics Testbed (ART) is a joint effort for the development of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) involving LAAS/CNRS, IRISA, Univeristy of Twente and Saxion Univeristy of Applied Sciences....
- telekyb3
Free and open source collection of software for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).
- maneuver-genom3
Simple maneuver planner for aerial robots.
Implements vertical take-off/landing, goto and waypoint-based trajectories.
- mrsim-genom3
Multi-rotor simulator.
Provides a pty emulating the tk3-mikrokopter communication protocol and implements all the tk3-mikrokopter features. In addition, a 'gps' port provides a simulation of a gps/motion capture device and a 'state' port provides the full state without noise, to be used as a 'ground truth' state....
- nhfc-genom3
Near-hovering flight controller.
This implements a basic sabilization controller, as described here:
R. Spica, Robuffo Giordano, P., Ryll, M., Bülthoff, H. H., and Franchi, A., “An Open-Source Hardware/Software Architecture for Quadrotor UAVs”, in 2nd IFAC Workshop on Research, Education and Development of Unmanned Aerial Systems, Compiegne, France, 2013.... - phynt-genom3
Physical interaction for UAVs.
This component implements an admittance position filter and an external wrench observer.
- rotorcraft-genom3
Low level hardware controller for quadrotors talking the telekyb3 protocol.
This component reads a desired array of rotor velocities sent by attitude and position controllers and pass them to the underlying hardware.
- tk3-flash
Utility for flashing Mikrokopter boards (flight controller and brushless controller).
- tk3-matlab
A MATLAB interface and a Simulink block to control hardware running the tk3-mikrokopter software.
- tk3-mikrokopter
An embedded autopilot running on board the Mikrokopter hardware.
- tk3-paparazzi
Custom firmware for the Chimera Paparazzi board compatible with the telekyb software.
- uavatt-genom3
UAV attitude flight controller.
This component implements the SO attitude controller described in Faessler M, Franchi A, Scaramuzza D. Differential Flatness of Quadrotor
Dynamics Subject to Rotor Drag for Accurate Tracking of High-Speed
Trajectories. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 2018;3(2):620-626.... - uavpos-genom3
UAV position flight controller.
This component implements the ℝ³ position controller described in Faessler M, Franchi A, Scaramuzza D. Differential Flatness of Quadrotor
Dynamics Subject to Rotor Drag for Accurate Tracking of High-Speed
Trajectories. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 2018;3(2):620-626....
- arduio
This software runs on an Arduino board and provides remote control of the board I/Os through a serial, message-based communication.
- arduio-genom3
GenoM3 component connecting to an Arduino board running 'arduio'.
- dynamixel-genom3
GenoM3 component controlling dynamixel motors.
This component provides position, velocity and torque control or dynamixel motors.
- elmo-axis-libs
Simple library to control one elmo harmonica axis
- eltclsh
eltclsh (editline tcl shell) is an interactive shell for the TCL programming language. It provides command line editing, history browsing as well as variables and command completion thanks to editline features. The completion engine is programmable in a way similar to tcsh, and comes with an intelligent completion for the full tcl language by default....
FAPE: Flexible Planning and Acting Environment
FAPE is an actor and planner for robotics, using the ANML language as an input.
Planning is done in plan-space, with a rich temporal representation and support for Hierarchical Task Networks.
- gdhe
Graphical Display for Hilare Experiments
GDHE is a visualisation tool for robotics experiments, using Tcl/Tk and OpenGL.
- genom2
The Generator of Modules GenoM is a tool to design real-time software architectures. It is more specifically dedicated to complex on-board systems, such as autonomous robots.
- tclserv
Tcl interface with Genom2 components
- genom3
The Generator of Modules GenoM is a tool to design real-time software architectures. It encapsulates software functions inside independent components. GenoM is more specifically dedicated to complex on-board systems, such as autonomous mobile robots or satellites, that require:...
- demo-genom3
A sample Genom component
- genom3-orocos
The genom3-orocos template provides a GenoM3 template for generating orocos-based components.
- genom3-pocolibs
The genom3-pocolibs template provides a GenoM3 template for generating pocolibs-based components.
- genom3-ros
The genom3-ros template provides a GenoM3 template for generating ros-based components.
- transgen3
Transgen3 provides a way to generate an openprs supervisor controlling a set of genom3 components. For each of the GenoM3 component, you will need to use the genom3-openprs template.
- genomix
The genomix HTTP server is a generic interface between clients and genom components (using the generic genom C client template). Control is done by the mean of specific HTTP GET requests.
- matlab-genomix
matlab-genomix provides a MATLAB package that interacts with the genomix HTTP server and can control GenoM3 components. It can also be used with the rosix server to control ros nodes.
The package implements interactive prompting for arguments of services. Services can be invoked synchronously or asynchronously and callbacks can be triggered whenever services complete....
- python-genomix
python-genomix package provides a python package that interacts with the genomix HTTP server and can control GenoM3 components.
It can prompt interactively for arguments of services. Services can be invoked synchronously or asynchronously and callbacks can be triggered whenever services complete....
- rosix
The rosix HTTP server is a generic interface between clients and ros nodes. Control is done by the mean of specific HTTP GET requests.
This server is compatible with the genomix server, meaning that genomix clients can be used directly with this server....
- tcl-genomix
tcl-genomix package provides a TCL package that interacts with the genomix HTTP server and can control GenoM3 components.
It can prompt interactively for arguments of services. Services can be invoked synchronously or asynchronously and callbacks can be triggered whenever services complete....
HATP is an HTN planner.
The project is decomposed in submodules:- hatponboard, hatponboard-lib: the core of the planner
- hatptester: to send plan request
- hatpconsole: to display the plans found
- msgconnector: the middleware so modules can communicate...
- hatpconsole
hatpconsole, the plan dispalyer.
For more info please visit
- hatp_msgs
The definition of ROS messages for HATP.
Includes a set of tools to manipulate the plan structures (previously libhatp). - hatp (ROS metapackage)
This repository aims at providing basic scripts to ease the usage of HATP.
- hatptester
hatptester, the plan-request sender.
For more info please visit
- Image processing software
Collection of software related to image processing
- camera-genom3
Generic genom3 interface for image acquisition.
- realsense-genom3
Driver for the Intel realsense cameras.
- iRobot robots
Software for the iRobot family (ATRV, ATRV-Jr, B21r,...) using the rFlex micro-controller.
- IVMob
Interface library and genom module for the Sterela 4MOB platform
- jido
Software for the jido robots
- joystick-genom3
This component exports the readings of any joystick device connected to the host computer.
- libkdtp
Kinodynamic Trajectory Planner
Spline-based, minimum time, constant snap trajectory generator. It applies to any robot with decoupled dynamics (or differencially flat).
Whitepaper: Alexandre Boeuf, Juan Cortes, Rachid Alami, Thierry Simeon. Enhancing sampling-based kinodynamic motion planning for quadrotors. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Sep 2015, Hamburg, Germany. 2015....
- lwr-controller
lwr-controller is a control interface for Kuka arm based on softMotion. It uses FRI (Fast Research Interface) to communicate with the controller.
lwrc-genom is the control part.
lwri-genom is the interface.The main idea is to use trajectories to control the robots. It uses softMotion trajectories, but other trajectories can be approximated. Cartesian and join trajectories are accepted. lwri can also compute simple trajectories and then execute them....
- lwrc-genom
lwrc-genom is the control part of lwr-controller.
- lwri-genom
lwri-genom is the interface part of lwr-controller.
- Miscelaneous sensors
Low-level libraries to access various small sensors.
- daqflex-libs
daqflex-libs is a library and a low-level test program for the USB-201 ADC made by the Measurement Company Corporation (MCC).
It is rewritten in C, using the C++ library provided by MCC as documentation.
The MCC programming guide provides information on the commands that can be sent to the device : ...
- ftsens-genom3
Exports force/torque sensor data from the FTsens hardware using icub-libs
- icub-libs
Interface library for the iit/icub force/torque sensors
- kvh-gyro
Drivers for various KVH gyroscopes
- mccdaqft-genom3
Acquire data from a Force/Torque sensor attached to a MCC DAQ device.
- teraranger-genom3
Exports distance data from the TeraRanger hardware.
- xsens-mti
Libraries and Genom component supporting the XSENS MTI Attitude Heading Reference System
- mkdep
Mkdep is a tool to manage dependencies for make(1) automatically on Unix-like systems. The original feature of this version is to be able to handle incremental updates of the dependencies
- Move3d
Programming system for motion planning, includes services like collision detection, robot kinematics and an OpenGL viewer.
- mPower
Ubiquity Networks mPower interface
- openprs
OpenPRS is an open source version of PRS (Procedural Reasoning Systems).
It is based on C-PRS and Propice... which were themselves inspired from the Lisp PRS originaly developped at SRI International by me and then others. PRS has been used for a wide variety of applications, from mobile robot execution control to Space Shuttle operational procedure execution....
- openrobots-idl
Common IDL interfaces for genom3 components.
- pocolibs
System communication and real-time primitive layers used by GenoM modules.
- gps
Libraries, utilities and genom module to control a differential Global Positioning System (GPS)
- gps-genom3
GPS driver component for novatel OEM6, tersus BX3xx and ublox M8.
- optitrack-genom3
GenoM3 component exporting motion capture data from an Optitrack system.
- pom-genom3
GenoM3 component for localization.
This component collects position/velocity/acceleration measurements from other components, and generate a fused state estimation from these sources.
- xsensmvn-genom3
Receive streamed data from Xsens MVN motion capture software.
- pr2motion-genom3
PR2 Robot motion controller with Genom3
- pr2-robot
Keeping track of PR2 software configuration after the end of Clearpath Robotics support.
- robotpkg
is a compilation framework and packaging system for installing robotics software developed by the robotic community. It also contains packages for some general, third-party open-source software that the robotics software depends on and that is not commonly packaged by major unix distributions....- pkgrepo2deb
pkgrepo2deb creates binary-only debian packages or debian repositories (packages plus administrative files Packages{,.gz} and Release{,.gpg}) from a robotpkg binary package repository or from a specified set of packages.
- rbulkit
rbulkit is a set of helper scripts and programs for managing robotpkg bulk
builds. It features:- rbulk-build, a shell script performing all the necessary tasks to run a build and produce an HTML report.
- rbulk-report creates (or update) an sqlite3 database from the results of a previous bulk build. The database is populated with the log files lefts by the robotpkg bulk target. rbulk_report can also generate a detailed (HTML) report from the bulk data available in the database....
- robotpkg-www
Static data of the robotpkg web site.
- robotpkg/wip
(work in progress) is a subset of robotpkg used by people actively involved in creating packages or testing new releases of packages.robotpkg/wip
contains a set of packages that are likely not to install smoothly or not even compile and that do require more work before final integration intorobotpkg
- roralink
Robot Radio Link
Tunnel that allows seamless switch from wired to wireless connection for a robot
- segway-robots
Software for the Segway RMP 400 and 440 robots
- Sick LD-MRS
Software for the Sick LD-MRS laser scanners
- dxsim-gazebo
dxsim-gazebo is a Gazebo plugin that simulates a chain of Dynamixel motors connected together to the same serial bus (daisy chain).
It provides the same interface as the real one, i.e. a pty port connection you can connect to, and it emulates the Dynamixel Protocol 2.0....
- gazebocam-genom3
Stream a camera sensor from gazebo.
- gazeboft-genom3
Component reading wrench data from a simulated Force/Torque sensor in gazebo.
- libdynamixel
Dynamixel motors emulation library.
The library provides a pty emulating the Dynamixel communication protocol and implements virtual motors.
- libmrsim
Multi-rotor simulator.
The library provides a pty emulating the tk3-mikrokopter communication protocol and implements all the tk3-mikrokopter features so that the hardware can be fully emulated.
The rotor dynamics are simulated using a realistic motor model and a simple thrust/drag propeller model. The same hardware velocity controller as implemented in the tk3-mikrokopter software controls the propellers velocities. Then, a simple free-flying 6D rigid body dynamics simulation can also be used, although it is not meant as a generic physics engine (e.g. no collision, no atmosphere, ...)....
- morse
MORSE, the Modular OpenRobots Simulation Engine
- mrsim-gazebo
mrsim-gazebo is a gazebo plugin for multi-rotor simulation.
It emulates the tk3-mikrokopter software running on Mikrokopter hardware via a pty implementing the tk3-mikrokopter communication protocol and all the tk3-mikrokopter features so that the hardware can be fully emulated....
- optitrack-gazebo
optitrack-gazebo is a gazebo plugin that emulates an OptiTrack Motion Capture system. It streams live a configurable subset of links pose as computed by the gazebo simulator. The streaming protocol is compatible with the NatNet 2.9 format of OptiTrack....
- softMotion
SoftMotion Planner Library
- Speech processing and audio software
Collection of software related to speech processing and audio.
- Velodyne-lidars
Drivers and components for Velodyne lidars
Repositories :- velodyne-libs : the interface library
- velodyne-genom : Genom v2 component
- vstp
Very Simple Trajectory Planner
Also available in: Atom