UAV position flight controller.
This component implements the ℝ³ position controller described in Faessler M, Franchi A, Scaramuzza D. Differential Flatness of Quadrotor
Dynamics Subject to Rotor Drag for Accurate Tracking of High-Speed
Trajectories. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 2018;3(2):620-626.
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Developer: Alessia Fusco, Amr Afifi, Anthony Mallet, Aurélie Clodic, Ayham Alharbat, Barbara Bazzana, Christelle Ecrepont, Daniel Sidobre, Dario Sanalitro, Florent Lamiraux, François Félix Ingrand, Gianluca Corsini, Guilhem Saurel, Jonas Soueidan, Jérôme Manhes, Lorenzo Balandi, Malik Ghallab, Marco Cognetti, Marco Tognon, Martin Jacquet, Matthieu Herrb, Olivier Stasse, Patrick Danes, Simon Lacroix, Youssef Aboudorra, art, robots