


tk3-flash(1) Manual Page


tk3-flash - microcontroller flashing utility


tk3-flash [-h|--help] [-v|--version]

tk3-flash [-i|--init] [-u|--update] [-d|--delay ms] [-k|--no-reset] flash device program

tk3-flash [-d|--delay ms] [-k|--no-reset] set device [key value …​]


tk3-flash is a command-line utility used to update the program stored in permanent memory of microcontrollers. Currently, it supports only programming the AVR microcontrollers with the Mikrokopter bootloader.

tk3-flash supports flashing the EEPROM or the flash memory. It also allows to set parameters specific to the flashed program, without the need for changing the program itself.


-i, --init

Reinitialize the parameters of the flashed program to their default values, as defined in the .eeprom section of the program.

-u, --update

Merge existing settings with any newly added or removed settings in the .eeprom section of the program.

-d, --delay ms

Set the delay between writes in milliseconds. Used on some devices that hang if written too quickly.

-k, --no-reset

Do not reset the board after succesful completion of the flash or set command.

-v, --version

Display the version number of tk3-flash.

-h, --help

Print usage summary and exit.


This mode is invoked by using the flash keyword as the first argument. It updates the in-memory program of the microcontroller from the ELF image stored in program. The special name - (a single dash) reads the ELF image from the standard input instead. The microcontroller is expected to be connected to the serial line device (typically /dev/ttyS* or /dev/ttyUSB*).

The microcontroller should be powered up only after running tk3-flash, so that it can be put in programming mode at boot time.

When flashing a device for the first time, the -i argument must be used in order to initialize the EEPROM with default values stored in the .eeprom section of the program file. Further flashing operations do not require the -i option, and parameter settings are not be modified (they retain the values they had before flashing). If the new program contains a different set of settings, option -u can be used to retain the value of parameters whose name did not change between the old and new versions of the program.

After a successful operation, tk3-flash reports the current parameter settings, as stored in the microcontroller EEPROM.


This mode is invoked by using the set keyword as the first argument. The microcontroller must be connected to the serial line device, as for the flashing mode.

When invoked with no additional argument than the device name, tk3-flash set merely prints the current parameter values on standard output, in the form of a "key: value (description)" list.

When invoked with key value arguments, tk3-flash set updates the value of the corresponding parameters. key must be one of the existing parameters (as reported by tk3-flash set). Any number of key, value pairs can be specified on the command line.

After a successful operation, tk3-flash reports the current parameter settings, as stored in the microcontroller EEPROM.