



PortLib (POsix Real-Time LIBrary) is a library that helps porting applications written for the VxWorks real-time system to a Unix-compatible system providing the Posix.4 real-time extensions.


portLib defines the following types:



Function pointers

typedef int (*FUNCPTR) ();
typedef int (*INTFUNCPTR)(); 
typedef void (*VOIDFUNCPTR)();
typedef float (*FLTFUNCPTR)();
typedef double (*DBLFUNCPTR)();
typedef void *(*VOIDPTRFUNCPTR)();




Error Codes



Any Unix process that wants to use portLib functions should call the osInit function first. Not that this function is also called by the comLib Initialisation function (h2initGlob). Hence a task using h2initGlob() to initialize comLib and portLib doesn't need to explicitely call osInit().


#include <portLib.h>
STATUS osInit(int clkRate)

osInit() initializes the real-time OS library. It should be called one before any call to other functions of the library. The clkRate parameter specifies the clock rate used in this process. A value of 0 disables the clock. The maximum value on most systems is the HZ constant, which is generally equal to 100.

osInit() returns OK or ERROR in case of an error. Then it sets the errno value of the task.


PortLib uses Posix threads to implement VxWorks tasks. All fonctionalities of VxWorks tasks are not present. Especially, portLib uses the default Linux scheduler in the Posix threads implementation, which doesn't share VxWorks real-time capabilities.


#include <taskLib.h>

long taskSpawn(char *name, int priority, int options, int stackSize,
      FUNCPTR entryPt, ...)

The taskSpawn() function creates a new task in pocoLib. name is the external name given to the new task. priority is the priority of the new task. The value is interpreted following the VxWorks convention, where 0 is the highest priority and 255 the lowest one. The mapping of the prior‐ ity specified here to priorities provided by the underlying system is implementation-dependant. options is an OR-ed mask of possible task options. Valid options include:

VX_FP_TASK : Indicates that the given task is using floating point values in expressions, and thus hints the underlying system that the floating-point context of the task should be saved and restored across task switches.

stackSize specifies the amount of memory to use for the stack of the new task. Not all systems use the specified value. entryPt is the pointer to a function returning an int and taking up to ten integer parameters. The rest of the parameters (up to ten integers) passed to taskSpawn() are transmitted to the new function.


#include <taskLib.h>

long taskSpawn2(const char *name, int priority, int options, int stackSize,
void *(*start_routine)(void *), void *arg);

taskSpawn2() is similar to taskSpawn except that the calling convention of the function run in the new task follows the pthread_create prototype, which is more portable and permits to pass arbitrary types to the new task. This should be used instead of taskSpawn() in new code.


#include <taskLib.h>

STATUS taskDelete(long taskId)

The taskDelete() function deletes (terminates) the specified task.


#include <taskLib.h>

STATUS taskSuspend(long taskId)

The taskSuspend() function is supposed to suspend the execution of the given task. In the implementation of pocoLibs on POSIX systems, it is implemented by a call to abort(2) in order to save a core image of the process. This is done this way because in traditional pocoLibs applications, taskSuspend() is used to stop a failed task for debugging purposes.


#include <taskLib.h>

STATUS taskDelay(int ticks)

The taskDelay() function suspends the execution of the current task for the specified number of ticks.


#include <taskLib.h>

long taskIdSelf(void)

The taskIdSelf() function returns the identifier of the current task. In most of the above mentionned functions, if tid is zero, it will design the current task (ie taskIdSelf().)


#include <taskLib.h>

STATUS taskSetUserData(long taskId, unsigned long data)


#include <taskLib.h>

unsigned long taskGetUserData(long taskId)


#include <taskLookLib.h>
STATUS taskCreateHookAdd(FUNCPTR createHook);


#include <taskLookLib.h>
STATUS taskCreateHookDelete(FUNCPTR createHook);


#include <taskLookLib.h>
STATUS taskSwitchHookAdd(FUNCPTR switchHook);


#include <taskLookLib.h>
STATUS taskSwitchHookDelete(FUNCPTR switchHook);


#include <taskLookLib.h>
STATUS taskDeleteHookAdd(FUNCPTR deleteHook);


#include <taskLookLib.h>
STATUS taskDeleteHookDelete(FUNCPTR deleteHook);

System Clock

The sysLib library groups all functions that are system dependant and provided by board support packages (BSP) under VxWorks. In the case of pocoLibs, only clock handling functions are provided by sysLib.


#include <tickLib.h>
void tickAnnounce(void)

tickAnnounce() is a function provided to be used as the default handler for the system clock. This function handles the expiration of the system watch dogs for pocoLibs and handles the tick counter. The default pocoLibs initialization routine, h2initGlob() registers this function as handler of the system clock.


#include <tickLib.h>
unsigned long tickGet(void)

ticGet() returns the current value of the tick counter.


#include <tickLib.h>
void tickSet(unsigned long ticks)

tickSet() sets the value of the tick counter to the value of ticks.


#include <sysLib.h>
STATUS sysClkRateSet(int ticksPerSecond)

The rate of the system clock can be set with the sysClkRateSet() func‐ tion, to the given ticksPerSecond value. The initial rate of the system clock is defined by the call to h2initGlob().

sysClkRateSet() return OK or ERROR if an error occured.


#include <sysLib.h>
int sysClkRateGet(void)

The current rate of the system clock is returned by the sysClkRateGet() function.


When a function fails it calls errnoSet() with the error code returned by the underlying operating system. There is no sysLib specific error code defined in pocoLibs.


On POSIX based systems, the system clock can be implemented by using either POSIX defined real-time timers, using timer_create(3) or traditionnal Unix timers based on setitimer(2). On certain Linux kernel revisions the setitimer based timers offer better performance than the POSIX real-time timers. Normally the configure script probes the behaviour of both kind of timers and selects the best suiting flavour. The --disable-posix-timers configure option can be used to force use of traditional Unix timers at build time.

Linking pocoLibs application with external libraries that use the SIGALRM signal is known to cause problems to the system clock.


In the case of a POSIX-style operating system, all these three semaphore types are local to the Unix process that created them.


#include <semLib.h>
SEM_ID semBCreate(int options, SEM_B_STATE initialState)

semBCreate() creates a binary semaphore.

options can be SEM_Q_FIFO to specify that tasks waiting on the semaphore are dequeued in a FIFO order, or SEM_Q_PRIORITY to specify that tasks waiting on the semaphore are dequeued by decreasing priority.

initialState indicates the initial state of a binary semaphore, either SEM_EMPTY or SEM_FULL.


#include <semLib.h>
SEM_ID semCCreate(int options, int initialCount)

semCCreate() creates a counting semaphore. value indicates the initial value of a counting semaphore.



#include <semLib.h>
SEM_ID semMCreate(int options)

semMCreate() Creates a ticket lock which can be used as a mutual exclusion semaphore.


#include <semLib.h>
STATUS semDelete(SEM_ID sem)

semDelete() deletes a semaphore from the process and releases any resources used by the semaphore. sem is the identifier of the semaphore to delete.

The behaviour of processes blocked on a semaphore when it is deleted is not defined.


#include <semLib.h>
STATUS semGive(SEM_ID sem)

semGive() implements the V operation on the given semaphore.


#include <semLib.h>
STATUS semTake(SEM_ID sem, int timeout)

semTake() implements the P operation on the semaphore. timeout specifies a number of tick in which the operation must succeed. If the semaphore was not taken with this delay, ERROR is returned and the errno value of the task is set to S_objLib_TIMEOUT.


#include <semLib.h>
STATUS semFlusuh(SEM_ID sem)

semFlush() resets the value of a counting or binary semaphore to 0 or SEM_EMPTY, causing the next call to semTake() to effectively block the calling task.

Return values

semBCreate() and semCCreate() return the semaphore identifier for the newly created semaphore or NULL in case of an error. In that case an error code is left in the task's errno value.

semDelete(), semGive(), semTake() and semFlush() return OK or ERROR in case an error occured. In that case an error code is left in the task's errno value.


The task's errno value can be set to an error code from the operating system or to:

S_objLib_OBJ_TIMEOUT : A timeout occured on a semTake() operation.



#include <wdLib.h>
WDOG_ID wdCreate(void)

wdCreate() creates a new inactive watch dog.


#include <wdLib.h>
STATUS wdDelete(WDOG_ID wdId)

wdDelete() destroys an exising watch dog.


#include <wdLib.h>
STATUS wdStart(WDOG_ID wdId, int delay, FUNCPTR pRoutine, long parameter)

wdStart() starts the timer associated with a watch dog. wdId is a watch dog identifier as returned by wdCreate(). delay is the number of ticks until the watch dog expires. pRoutine is a pointer to a function that will be called when the timer expires. parameter is an integer value that will be passed to the routine when it will be called.


#include <wdLib.h>
STATUS wdCancel(WDOG_ID wdId)

wdCancel() cancels the active watchDog designated by wdId.

Return values

wdCreate() returns the identifier of the newly created watchdor or NULL if an error occured.

wdDelete(),wdStart() and wdCancel() return OK or ERROR if an error ocurred. All functions set the task error code in case of errors.


The error code of the current task can be set to:

S_memLib_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY : The allocation of memory for a new watchog failed.

S_objLib_OBJ_ID_ERROR : The wdId passed to a function is not valid.

Error management

errnoGet() and errnoSet() are designed to emulate the VxWorks function of the same name.


#include <errnoLib.h>
int errnoGet(void)

errnoGet() returns the pocoLibs error code associated with the current task.


#include <errnoLib.h>
STATUS errnoSet(int errorValue)

errnoSet() sets the pocoLibs error code associated with the current thread to the value passed in errorValue.