


Generic genom workflow

This tutorial covers the generic workflow that is needed to develop genom components. The goal is to present all the necessary steps for writing the source code and building an empty component. More advanced components are described in other tutorials. Exactly the same workflow can be applied to them.

Component definition

The very first step when designing a new component is to write its formal description in the dotgen language. The formal description defines the component interface in terms of data types, services and ports. It consists in a text file, usually suffixed with the .gen extension, that is placed in the toplevel directory of the component source code.

In this tutorial, the component description is minimal and contains only the component name:

component empty;

As the name suggests, this defines a totally empty component named empty. It provides no service, has no output and just does nothing.

The empty.gen file is put in its own directory, for instance ~/src/empty-genom3.

Codels file

Once the empty.gen file is written, the component implementation must be done. In particular, 'codels' sources files must be written. They should contain the implementation of all the services, as callback functions that are invoked by the component.

An initial sample of these 'codel' functions for the component can be generated by the genom3 'skeleton' template. The skeleton also provides a sample build system for compling those files together. The sample codels are initially generated empty and must be later filled by the user. The usage of the skeleton template is completely optional. It is provided as a handy tool, but the actual source code of the component can always be written from scratch. However, starting from the samples provided by the skeleton template is probably the safest approach.

Generating an initial skeleton instance is done by invoking genom3 on the component description file, with the 'skeleton' template. This will generate a bunch of new files:

user@host:~$ genom3 skeleton empty.gen
creating ./codels/empty_codels.c
creating ./
creating ./
creating ./
creating ./autoconf/ag_templates.m4
creating ./
creating ./
creating ./codels/

Except for the file codels/empty_codels.c, all the generated file are about setting up an autoconf build system for the component. Other build systems such as cmake are perfectly valid and could be written manually to replace the sample generated files.

The sample codel file codels/empty_codels.c must be edited in order to implement the component codels. However, in this example it only contains two #include directives. This is expected, because the 'empty' component defines no service, and thus no codel callback function.

#include "acempty.h"

#include "empty_c_types.h"

The first #include file, is in this example, 'acempty.h'. This is the autoconf generated header file that contain architecture-dependent definitions. The second #include file, 'empty_c_types.h' is the automatically generated C mappings for the types that the component defines. Both files are automatically generated at build time, in your build directory.

In this example, nothing in the generated files has to be changed and the empty component can be built.

Choosing a middleware

In order to produce an actual component, one must choose a particular 'template' that implements a 'server' and 'clients' for a specific middleware. Templates are not part of Genom and are developed and distributed separately. As the time of writing, templates exist for 'pocolibs', 'ros' or 'orocos'.

The following command lists available templates on your system:

user@host:~$ genom3 -l

Since it is beyond the scope of this documentation to describe each template, only the generic principles are exposed hereafter. Refer to the specific template documentation for details.

Building the component and its communication clients

Building the component is done by configuring and running the build system created by the skeleton template. In this example, the build system is based on the autoconf and automake tools and you can configure and run it using the usual configure; make; make install steps.

It is out of the scope of this tutorial to provide a detailed documentation on those tools, but you can refer to the autoconf manual for details. The usual steps are as follow:

  • Bootstrap autoconf

    The very first step is to bootstrap the build system. This is done only once, in order to create a configure script from the source file. Once you have done it once for a given directory, this is normally not needed anymore.

    First change to the directory where your file resides and then run:

    user@host:~$ autoreconf -vi
  • Configure the build in a separate 'build' directory

    The second step is to configure the build for your current system. This is also done only once for a given directory:

    user@host:~$ mkdir -p build
    user@host:~$ cd build
    user@host:~$ ../configure --prefix=$HOME/devel \
                   --with-templates=ros/server,ros/client/ros,ros/client/c \
                   CFLAGS='-Wall -Werror' CXXFLAGS='-Wall -Werror'

    The --with-templates option tells configure to compile and install the codels and also generate, configure compile and install three additional genom3 templates (ros/server, ros/client/ros and ros/client/c in this example).

    The other options passed to configure tell the build system to install everything in the $HOME/devel prefix, and to compile with the -Wall -Werror option to enable all sort of warnings.

    The list of templates passed to --with-templates depends on your goal. It must be a comma-separated list of template names as output by the genom3 -l command. In this example, ros/server is a template that generates a ros node executable. ros/client/ros is a template that generates the shell and python ros client for controlling your ros node and ros/client/c generates a C library with a generic API that allows you to interact with your component from a C program. For this to work, you must have the genom3-ros package installed.

  • Build and install

    Once properly configured, everything can be built and installed by doing

    user@host:~$ cd build
    user@host:~$ make install

    The autoconf build system is done in such a way that after the initial bootstrap and configure phase, only the make install command is necessary during the development of your component.

  • The installed files

    After a successful make install, the installation prefix directory is populated with files. In particular, the component executable is installed in bin, a library of your codels is installed in lib/, some pkg-config files are in lib/pkg-config and the component description file in share/idl. Depending on the template you have chosen in `--with-templates, more file can be present.

    user@host:~$ ls -R $HOME/devel
    ~/devel/lib:**  pkgconfig/

Updating the skeleton files

During the development of your component, it is very likely that you will add new services or modify existing ones. In this case, the initially generated skeleton files, especially the codel source files, may become out-of-synchronization with respect to the component definition file.

You can either manually change the codel source files, or you can invoke the skeleton template in order to merge the necessary changes in your already edited codel files. This is done with the -i option of the skeleton template:

user@host:~$ genom3 skeleton -i empty.gen

This command will prompt you for changes it thinks are necessary in your source code. You can then either accept or reject any change. Note that this merge is not always correct in his guess, so please review each change carefully. In particular, if you made too many deep changes (like changing the build system), the -i merge mode will probably not work well.

A equivalent shortcut is also available in the sample skeleton build system via the merge target of the provided Makefiles:

user@host:~$ cd build
user@host:~$ make merge

This achieves exactly the same goal.

Using a version control system for your component

Since the skeleton-generated files belong to the user, it is good practice to use a version control system to track the development of your component.

This is not necessary for purely generated files like those for the final executable or the client code, as those can always be regenerated from the component description file.

The files that need to be under a version control system, for the default skeleton template, are:

  • any .gen file and any additional IDL files



  • All files

  • autoconf/ag_templates.m4 and any extra .m4 file in autoconf/

  • codels/

  • All the source files in codels

You can also safely ignore those files (e.g. in a .gitignore file):

user@host:~$ cat .gitignore

Manually building individual genom3 templates

Instead of using the all-in-one build step shown in the previous section, it is possible to manually build individual genom3 templates. This is for expert users only, and is normally not needed for a basic setup.

You can invoke genom3 in a separate directory for any template:

  • Generate code in a separate directory

    user@host:~$ mkdir generated-code
    user@host:~$ cd generated-code
    user@host:~$ genom3 ros/server ../empty.gen
  • Configure the build system

    user@host:~$ autoreconf -vi
    user@host:~$ ./configure --prefix=$HOME/devel \
  • Build and install the component

    user@host:~$ make install