


$service TCL engine command

Those commands manipulate service objects and return information about them. They all take a service object as their first argument, noted $service in the following command descriptions. Such an object is typically returned by other procedures, such as $component services.

$service name

Return the name of the service as a string.

$service kind

Return a string that is either attribute, function or activity depending on the kind of service.

$service component

Return the component object in which the service is defined.

$service doc

Return a string containing the documentation of the service defined in the doc attributes of the .gen description.

$service before

Return a list of services that cannot run until this service has been executed sucessfully at least once.

$service after

Return a list of services that must must have been successfully executed at least once before this service can run.

$service interrupts

Return a list of services that will be interrupted whenever this service is executed.

$service task

Return the task object in which the service is defined, or an error if the service has no task context (i.e. the service is an attribute or a `function).

$service throws

Return a list of exceptions possibly raised by the service.

$service codels [[validate|simple|fsm] …​]

Return the list of codels defined in the service. The list may be filtered by a keyword described below. Multiple keyword may be given: they are combined with an implicit 'or'.


Return the validation codels.


Return the simple codels of functions.


Return the codels associated with activities and a state machine.

$service params [[local|in|out|inout] …​]

Return the list of parameters of the service. One or several direction filter may be specified to filter the list according to the or’ed combination of the directions.


The parameters that are private to the running instance of the service.


The parameters that input to the service.


The parameters that output by the service.


The parameters that both input to and output by the service.

$service fsm ['state'] [type|codel]

When called without argument, $service fsm returns the list of states defined in the finite state machine of the service.

When called with one of the states (or state name) as argument, optionally followed by the codel keyword, the procedure returns the codel object associated with that state.

When called with one of the states name as argument and the type keyword, the type object associated with that state is returned.

$service mutex

Return a list of codels that may access internal resources used by the service. All these codels cannot run when the service is running.

$service digest

Return a string containing a MD5 hash of the service. The hash is computed using the service name and the ordered list of parameters direction and type.

$service loc [file|line|column|context]

Return a list describing the source location where that service is defined. The list contains four elements: the file name, the line number, the column number and the original component context of the definition. If an optional argument is given, only the corresponding element is returned.

$service class

Always returns the string "service". Useful to determine at runtime that the object is a service object.