


$param TCL engine command

Those commands manipulate parameter objects and return information about them. They all take a parameter object as their first argument, noted $param in the following command descriptions. Such an object is typically returned by other procedures, such as $codel params.

$param name

Return the name of the parameter as a string.

$param src

Return a string indicating the origin of the parameter:


defined in the IDS.


defined locally for a running instance of a service.


for port objects passed as a parameter.


for remote objects passed as a parameter.

$param dir

Return a string indicating the direction of the parameter:


defined locally for a running instance of a service.


passed as input.


passed as output.


passed as input and output.

$param member

For ids parameters, this returns a valid string in the current programming language to access the parameter inside the IDS. For other kinds of parameters, this raises an error.

$param base

This returns the type of the source of the parameter. For local parameters, this is the type of the local parameter in the service definition. For IDS parameters, this is the ids type. For port or remote kinds, this is the port or remote object.

$param type

This returns the type object of the parameter.

$param port

This returns the port object of port parameters.

$param remote

This returns the remote object of remote parameters.

$param param

This returns the service parameter of local parameters passed to a codel.

$param initializer

This returns the initializer object associated to the parameter, or an error if there is no initializer.

An initializer object defines the following methods:


A valid string in the current programming language to access the initialized member of the parameter.


The documentation of this initializer.


The data type of the default value of the parameter, or the string compound for recursive initializers.


This is either a constant value object of the type kind, or a recursively defined initializer object if kind is equal to compound.


Returns the source location as a triplet.


Always returns "initializer".

$param loc [file|line|column|context]

Return a list describing the source location where that parameter is defined. The list contains four elements: the file name, the line number, the column number and the original component context of the definition. If an optional argument is given, only the corresponding element is returned.

$param class

Always returns the string "parameter". Useful to determine at runtime that the object is a parameter object.