genom3-pocolibs 1.23.1 released
genom3-pocolibs 1.23 released
genom3-pocolibs 1.22 released
- Require genom3-2.99.41.
- Add an optional component/interface name template argument to generate code for a subset of input files. Generate code for all components by default.
- Fix validate codels invocation when multiple such codels are defined.
- Fix remote service call() implementation for basic types (#393) and local parameters.
- Allow multi-threaded usage of a single client. This cheats with pocolibs to have all threads appear as the same h2 task device (and mbox).
- Fix client pocolibs_dovent() when no new event has been signalled since last call.
- Fix status initialization in client requests preventing to wait before a first call to dovent() was done.
- Fix strnlen(3) called with possibily negative ssize_t casted to size_t.
- Fix a -Wunused for tasks with no permanent activity.
genom3-pocolibs 1.21 released
- port->data() returns NULL if a previous port->read() had an error.
- port->read() errors are reported only once for consecutive errors (all errors are still reported in debug mode).
- Default control task stack size is 8MB.
- Require genom3-2.99.40 for unconstified _maximum member of bounded sequences
genom3-pocolibs 1.20 released
genom3-pocolibs 1.19 released
genom3-pocolibs 1.18 released
genom3-pocolibs 1.17 released
genom3-pocolibs 1.16 released
Also available in: Atom