mikrokopter-genom3: mikrokopter-genom3 1.6.1 released
nhfc-genom3: nhfc-genom3 1.3 released
- Update default controller parameters / gains.
- Try to fall down gently if no desired position is given (in servo mode).
- Do not servo until the first valid position is received.
- Scale output from 0 to 100% in 3s by default after the first valid position is received.
- Require openrobots-idl-1.4, catchup with rotorcraft interface changes.
- Log additional data: total thrust and desired state.
mikrokopter-genom3: mikrokopter-genom3 1.6 released
- Raise an error in set_velocity() only if a motor in in emergency (#99)
- Use ASYNC_LOW_LATENCY ioctl on the tty when available, and check that the ftdi latency is actually 1ms.
- Use openrobots-idl-1.4, drop now superfluous "rotors" port (merged into rotor_measurement port) (#110).
- Add a set_throttle() service, setting an open-loop PWM (#111).
- Allow a direct connection to a single brushless controller (with mkbl software).
- Allow opening ttys by passing their usb serial id.
- Replace NaN with zeroes in set_velocity() and set_throttle(), to avoid spinning at excessive velocity in case of a bug (#102).
openrobots-idl: openrobots-idl 1.4 released
mrsim-genom3: mrsim-genom3 1.1 released
tk3-mikrokopter: tk3-mikrokopter 1.8 released
- Added a butterfly compatible bootloader for the flymu board
- Added support for the flymu board
- Added a command setting an array of PWM for all motors (#111)
- Improved ADC calibration for current and battery measurement
- Simplified communication buffer overflow handling
- Miscelaneous optimizations improving code speed
tk3-matlab: tk3-matlab 1.6 released
genom3-ros: genom3-ros 1.16 released
genom3-pocolibs: genom3-pocolibs 1.10 released
Also available in: Atom