genom3-pocolibs: genom3-pocolibs 1.11 released
genom3: genom3 2.99.31 released
- Fix port related functions with ports declared a simple builtin types
- Added template "return-value reference" function, handling the special case of C function returning arrays.
- Fix genom_sequence_reserve() called with 0 length (related to #144)
- Disable static libraries by default in skeleton generated
- Allow declaration of several 'uses', 'provides' or 'extends' component properties
segway-robots: rmp-libs updated
rmp-libs si now independant of pocolibs, opening the way for a Genom3 (middleware independant) component to control the Segway RMP400 platform.
openrobots-idl: openrobots-idl 1.6 released
rbulkit: rbulkit 20180509 released
rbulkit: rbulkit 20180508 released
- Add 'init' and 'fini' pre- and post-commands hooks.
- Allow the use of regex for the job name definition and add %# backreference substitution in job commands.
- Allow %j and %# substitutions in job slots name.
- Add optional cost ∈ [0, 255] to jobs.
- Honour secondary groups when running as a different user.
- Update style of status report.
- do git fetch + reset --hard instead of pull to guarantee that the robotpkg tree has no local commits.
rbulkit: rbulkit-20180328 released
- Discard bulk logs if they cannot be inserted in the result database (avoiding to have them inserted in the wrong database by a future session). Database update failure almost never happen, and the logs are not critical, so loosing them is actually a better option than manually cleaning a wrong database update.
- Make sure rbulk-dispatchd starts jobs with a clean log file. This could happen after an unclean shutdown of the daemon which could leave old files around.
pkgrepo2deb: pkgrepo2deb 1.3 released
tcl-genomix: tcl-genomix 1.6.1 released
Also available in: Atom