



genom3-pocolibs: genom3-pocolibs 1.15 released

Added by Anthony Mallet almost 5 years ago


  • Fix port->close() for "multiple out" ports, so that a port with the same sub-name can be opened again.
  • Fix client/c port reading function when talking to multiple instances in the same program.
  • Fix startup error reporting in daemon mode (-b)
  • Change the behaviour in case a 'h2 end' is done while a component is running: clean as much as possible instead of generating a core dump, both in the server and in the client/c. Pending requests are terminated properly in the server (especially the stop codels) and are flagged as 'failed' with the genom::fatal exception in the client (since no report can be received anyway).
  • Fix potential wrong RPATH in the component binary when pulling dependencies that have -Wl,-rpath flag. libtool puts those in the wrong place, so convert them to the libtool equivalent "-R".



genom3: genom3 2.99.33 released

Added by Anthony Mallet almost 5 years ago


  • Avoid to 'Require' the codels-require packages in the codels .pc files, as this causes over-linking of the codels library. Use 'Libs.private' instead.
  • Fix genom_sequence_resize() macro when the "length" parameter is an expression.
  • Avoid loosing precision in the json serialization of floating point numbers. Use %.17g for doubles and %.9g for floats.



tcl-genomix: tcl-genomix 1.7 released

Added by Anthony Mallet almost 5 years ago


  • Split package into genomix and genomix::remote. The latter is dedicated to the connection to a remote genomixd, while the former handles the common part between genomix::local (provided separately by genomix) and genomix::remote
  • Auto load genomix::local and genomix::remote when the genomix::localhost or genomix::connect commands are invoked
  • Fix the load of aliased clients ($genomix load xxx as yyy)



genomix: genomix 1.7 released

Added by Anthony Mallet almost 5 years ago


  • Provide a local client, not passing through genomixd, for direct use in tcl-genomix. The "connection" command is genomix::localhost, it returns a handle directly usable as with the remote client.
  • Remove atexit(3) protection hack, as it cannot be easily done anymore due to internal changes - only ROS on non-glibc hosts was concerned, so this is better fixed by fixing ROS on those hosts.



optitrack-genom3: optitrack-genom3 2.0 released

Added by Anthony Mallet about 5 years ago


  • Log tranmission delay in the debug log file
  • When loosing too many samples, reset the estimated remote timestamp
  • Compute the bandwidth usage, and add an attribute to retrieve it
  • Switch to openrobots2-idl
  • Fix the computation of the variance of the additional noise set by set_noise()
  • Document {set,get}_local_port()



pom-genom3: pom-genom3 3.0 released

Added by Anthony Mallet about 5 years ago


  • Switch to openrobots2-idl
  • Fix syntactic issues with older eigen
  • Display the covariance matrix diagonal when it becomes not positive definite
  • Allow non-integer history length (to make it less than one second)
  • Warn if computation is too slow (more than 110% of the period for 2 periods in a row)



libkdtp: libkdtp 1.2.1 released

Added by Anthony Mallet about 5 years ago


  • Fix spline::synchronize() sometimes not converging, leading to a non-zero final jerk or snap.
  • Fix getDuration() on a local path so that it takes the actual maximum duration of all DoF (because all DoF might have slightly different durations even after a synchronization)



maneuver-genom3: maneuver-genom3 2.0 released

Added by Anthony Mallet about 5 years ago


  • Switch to openrobots2-idl
  • Don't publish a reference timestamp until first valid position is computed, so that position contrlles wait for the first reference before servoing on something.
  • In velocity mode, plan from the next trajectory sample to be executed, not the current one.
  • Increase the default snap derivative limit (for the velocity planner)




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