Bug #247
closed.catkin generation
Dear robotpkg team,
It seems that there is a problem related to ros workspace chaining.
The current generation of .catkin prevent to do it properly.
Assuming that the binaries or the robotpkg installation directory is /opt/openrobots.
Assuming that we have installed a ros package from robotpkg (such as talos_simulation)
When creating locally a catkin workspace with CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH pointing to /opt/openrobots with:
mkdir -p /tmp/catkin_ws/src
cd /tmp/catkin_ws/src
cd ..;catkin_make
cd devel
source setup.bash
but it should be:
This is fixed by doing:
rm /opt/openrobots/.catkin
touch /opt/openrobots/.catkin
set the size of .catkin to 0 instead of 1.
IMHO this is due to
in devel/ros-catkin/files
using touch instead of echo seems to do the trick.
What do you think ?
Thanks for your time and help.
Updated by Anthony Mallet almost 5 years ago
AFAIK the contents of the catkin marker file does not matter. I can
find only places where the existence of the file is checked.
Could it be a permission issue on the file (not readable by your user) ?
Updated by Olivier Stasse almost 5 years ago
Anthony Mallet wrote in #note-1:
AFAIK the contents of the catkin marker file does not matter. I can
find only places where the existence of the file is checked.
At first I thought the same as well. As for instance rospack is just checking the existence.
However after reading what is really doing the file setup.sh created by catkin_make, I found out
that it is:
1/ crawling the directories specified in CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH,
2/ for each of this subdirectory:
- look if a subdirectory etc/catkin/profile.d exists
- list the hooks (sh/bat) present in this subdirectory
- return the list of the hooks
4/ each hook is then sourced by setup.sh
For /opt/ros/melodic/etc/profile.d they are 18 hooks among which there is
when this file is called by setup.sh it is reading the contents of .catkin.
If it is empty it is simply adding the directory containing the .catkin file
otherwise the contained data is split according to a ';' separation character and appended to the string.
As the /opt/openrobots/.catkin file has one character this character is used instead of /opt/openrobots.
Could it be a permission issue on the file (not readable by your user) ?
Unfortunately this is not.
Updated by Anthony Mallet almost 5 years ago
OK, thanks for the detailed analysis!
Updated by Olivier Stasse almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
Applied in changeset robotpkg|e373a9e62bedd1e065ddc4a20e1cadbd08e19fcf.