



Bug #402


reinitializing ftsens module

Added by Ayham Alharbat 5 months ago. Updated 5 months ago.



Hi Anthony,

The problem that is that when I first initialize the module it works fine, if I reinitialize it, it will not work.

How to replicate the problem:
1. I run the following script ( in the attachments):


# Run this script before you run the tutorial in MATLAB
# It will start the simulation in Gazebo with the low friction wall & 
# launch all the required genom modules

# Closes all Genom3 modules
pkill genomixd &
pkill mrsim-pocolibs &
pkill optitrack-pocolibs &
pkill pom-pocolibs &
pkill rotorcraft-pocolibs &
pkill ftsens-pocolibs &
h2 end

sleep 1

h2 init
sleep 1
genomixd &
sleep 1
tk3-mux /dev/ttyACM1 & ~/ut-tools/manual-install/ftsens-genom3/build/pocolibs/server/ftsens-pocolibs  -f && fg

and the output will looks like:

Removing pocolibs devices: tUnix5257: 
h2devEnd: S_h2devLib_NOT_INITIALIZED
Initializing pocolibs devices: OK
tk3-mux: connected to /dev/ttyACM1
ftsens: created outport ftsens/genom_state
ftsens: created outport ftsens/genom_metadata
ftsens: created outport ftsens/wrench
ftsens: spawned task read
ftsens: spawned control task
ftsens: setup and running

then in MATLAB I run the following (ftsens_tutorial.m in the attachments):

clear; clc;
% add genomix-matlab path
ft_sens_plugin_path = '/lib/genom/pocolibs/plugins/';

host = 'localhost';

% Initialize GenoM stuff and connect the ports %
% --------------------------------------------------

disp('Initialize genom components for simulation');
client = genomix.client(host);

disp('* Initialize ft-sensor');
ftsens = client.load(strcat(ft_sens_plugin_path,'ftsens'));
result_ft = ftsens.connect('/tmp/can', 1000);
stringmsg = ['Connecting to ftsens: ',result_ft.status];
result_ft = ftsens.set_zero(5000);
stringmsg = ['Zeroing the FT-sensor: ',result_ft.status];
result_ft = ftsens.wrench();
stringmsg = ['FT-sensor reading: ',num2str(result_ft.wrench.force.x),...
    ', ', num2str(result_ft.wrench.force.y), ', ', num2str(result_ft.wrench.force.z)];

This will work, and the terminal output will be:

Removing pocolibs devices: tUnix5257: 
h2devEnd: S_h2devLib_NOT_INITIALIZED
Initializing pocolibs devices: OK
tk3-mux: connected to /dev/ttyACM1
ftsens: created outport ftsens/genom_state
ftsens: created outport ftsens/genom_metadata
ftsens: created outport ftsens/wrench
ftsens: spawned task read
ftsens: spawned control task
ftsens: setup and running
ftsens-pocolibs: SIOCGIFINDEX /tmp/can: No such device
ftsens-pocolibs: found strain2 as node 13

node 13: type 0c
  version: 2.0.9
  CAN protocol version: 2.0

while matlab outputs:

Initialize genom components for simulation
* Initialize ft-sensor
Connecting to ftsens: done
Zeroing the FT-sensor: done
FT-sensor reading: -0.36621, 0.091553, 0.18311

now if I run the ftsens_tutorial.m matlab script again, it will get stuck and when I kill the terminal I will see the following:

Removing pocolibs devices: tUnix5257: 
h2devEnd: S_h2devLib_NOT_INITIALIZED
Initializing pocolibs devices: OK
tk3-mux: connected to /dev/ttyACM1
ftsens: created outport ftsens/genom_state
ftsens: created outport ftsens/genom_metadata
ftsens: created outport ftsens/wrench
ftsens: spawned task read
ftsens: spawned control task
ftsens: setup and running
ftsens-pocolibs: SIOCGIFINDEX /tmp/can: No such device
ftsens-pocolibs: found strain2 as node 13

node 13: type 0c
  version: 2.0.9
  CAN protocol version: 2.0
ftsens-pocolibs: SIOCGIFINDEX /tmp/can: No such device
^Cftsens: terminating on Interrupt signal request
tk3-mux: terminating
ftsens-pocolibs: found strain2 as node 13

node 13: type 0c
  version: 2.0.9
  CAN protocol version: 127.0

if I start a new terminal and run the script again, and try to initialize from Matlab again using ftsens_tutorial.m, I get the following in the terminal:

Removing pocolibs devices: OK
Initializing pocolibs devices: OK
tk3-mux: connected to /dev/ttyACM1
ftsens: error creating /home/ayham/ File exists
ftsens: forcibly disabling the protection against duplicate instances
ftsens: cleaning pocolibs ftsens device
tUnix6933: No matching device
ftsens: cleaning pocolibs ftsens/* devices
tUnix6933: No matching device
ftsens: created outport ftsens/genom_state
ftsens: created outport ftsens/genom_metadata
ftsens: created outport ftsens/wrench
ftsens: spawned task read
ftsens: spawned control task
ftsens: setup and running
ftsens-pocolibs: SIOCGIFINDEX /tmp/can: No such device
tk3-mux: hardware error: can bus error
ftsens-pocolibs: can't find strain2 node

then I kill the terminal and I see this in MATLAB:

Error using ftsens::set_zero
connection closed

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Files (512 Bytes) Ayham Alharbat, 2023-12-07 12:17
ftsens_tutorial.m (1.07 KB) ftsens_tutorial.m Ayham Alharbat, 2023-12-07 12:17
Actions #1

Updated by Ayham Alharbat 5 months ago

Sometimes I also get the following in the terminal:

ftsens-pocolibs: SIOCGIFINDEX /tmp/can: No such device
tk3-mux: hardware error: can bus error
ftsens-pocolibs: can't find strain2 node
15:19:45.186854:genomixd: sock55c7a78c2270: status 400: {"ex":"::genom::mwerr","detail":{"what":"ftsens/wrench port: S_posterLib_EMPTY_POSTER"}}

and in Matlab:

Connecting to ftsens: error
Zeroing the FT-sensor: error
Error using ftsens::wrench
{"ex":"::genom::mwerr","detail":{"what":"ftsens/wrench port:

Actions #2

Updated by Anthony Mallet 5 months ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
Actions #3

Updated by Anthony Mallet 5 months ago

This should be fixed by now, please tell me if you still have issue!


Also available in: Atom PDF